LG Washing Machines, Drying Machines and Washer Dryers will display various error codes when things out of the ordinary happen. The table below is a quick and simple way to figure out what a particular error code means and what the likely resolution is for that code.

Error Code | Description | Resolution(s) |
dE1 | Door Open Error | Close the door or open/close door firmly |
dE2 | Door Closed But Not Locking Error | Open/close door firmly |
UE | Unbalance Error | Rearrange load Add another item (heavy item?) to balance the load Make sure the machine is level |
DE | Drain Error | Clean the drain filter |
CL | Child Lock On | Disable Child lock. Look for the Child lock button and hold it until the child lock is switched off |
Cd | Cooling Down | Not an error as such. The machine is finished its cycle but is cooling down while it waits for you. You can press and hold any button to unlock the door |
IE | Washer unable to fill with water | Water inlet screen needs cleaning, or hose is kinked |
OE | Washer is unable to drain the water it used during the wash cycle | Check for kinked drain hose |
t CL | Tub Clean Cycle | You need to run the Tub Clean Cycle |
If you know of any other LG Error codes, let us know in the comments below.
Thanks! Helped me to sort a problem with my washing machine
How can I set up my LG washing machine
Thanks you so much 😊😊😊
I recently purchased a new LG washer & dryer, could really use a guide to help me get started with my new toy!! Im loving it!!!
If pressing the Pause / start button doesn’t work then i run a spin cycle for 15 mins after the Drying cycle when i want to open the door of the washer/ dryer.
not LE. It’s. I (eye) E.
Water inlet screen needs cleaning, or hose is kinked
Thank you. That just came up on my machine, it wasn’t listed with other codes on this site. So glad you had asked this.
I wish it was as simple, load error most likely means load sensor on drum needs replacing
The filter seems to be punctured, Where can I get a replacement filter?
Load Error
Most likely the load sensor on drum needs replacing
My mashine keep on showing IE.whats the problem please
make sure drain hose is set up correctly
I have no child lock button
Same here. My dryer is stuck with the CL code. How do I disable this “child lock?”
Look for a button with “Child Lock” as a second function, so main function in large text, but “Child Lock” in smaller / faded letters? On one machine I know of this is the “Rinse +” button.
My washer is coming up with the error code OE. What does this mean ?
Drain Error
OE Means it is unable to drain water. For example if the drainage hose has a kink.
What do you have to do if there is no kink in the drain hose??
Did you get a response cause I’m having this same problem
Same, I think it’s the pump, it’s not making any attempt to drain the water
You have to open the little swivel hatch/door located near the base of the machine, drain the water left in the drum through the small rubber drain hose by removing its bung/plug, remove the filter by unscrewing it from the drain outlet of the machine, and remove any lint or other loose items such as coins (forgotten in pockets for instance), buttons, etc that may have clogged the filter. Replace filter, and restart.
Thank you so much for your advice, did what you said with the filter and that sorted it out!
Same with mine. Can’t solve the problem
Make sure drain outlet is above the washer into a sink or drain hole.
What is the code dl and dE
Cant sort dE error please help
tE1, tE2, tE3 – chyba termického čidla – nutná výměna, součástka se pohybuje do 300,- Kč, ale je nutno v mnohých případech rozebrat půlku sušky. Zobrazením této chyby může být i přerušen vodič ve svazku nebo studený spoj na konektorech. Pro šikovné kutily práce na cca hodinu. NENÍ NUTNO VYHAZOVAT CELOU ŠUŠKU !!! Z důvodu úspory času, servisáci často hlásí tento problém za neopravitelný.
I have de2 code showing
Cant removed CL tried everything
Did you find a solution? I am having the same issues it won’t go away
I happened to use child lock for the first time few days ago. I did several loads yesterday with no problems. This am I started a loaf with the cl code. It worked for me, just hold button down for a few seconds, I did that and it was cleared
My new LG washer/drier front loader is not washing and showing error message d d e. The door shuts well and the tumbler rotates well. What do I do?
My washing machine has the error code ‘TCL’ when I turn it on, the code is not in the manual. Any ideas?
Thank a lot
TCL (T CL) code on the display means it is time to run the Tub Clean cycle
Lei is the code showing
Please could you advise how to run the tub clean cycle – I’ve lost my instruction manual!
Thank you VivJ
I have a code LEI on my LG washer. Model number
WT5480CW. Can’t find what this code means in the manual can you tell me what it means
Did you find out the code of lei I have the same error on
My washer throws IE code on one cycle only, delicates. A cycle i use 25% of the time. The screen is clean, and obviously the hose is not kinked, for other cycles to work.
this morning my washing machine is showing an OE code never seen it before it stops mid cycle. all pipes etc for drainage look fine
Me too help
Check filter screen in hatch at bottom left side. Clogs with lint and such.
Did you get it fixed?
We have the OE code too… drainage hose is NOT kinked.. husband says water is not reaching the pump….????
Check filter at bottom left hatch. Clogs with lint and anything else that makes it through.
I keep getting the PE error code and nothing seems to work. Now it won’t even turn on….
Please advise…anyone?
I am also facing same problem. Anybody Please advise.
I have a code ?E. The first code is hard to make out. It looks like an incomplete E. Missing the top part. EE. With the top line of first E missing. What does this mean?
Did you ever figure out what that code was? I am getting sams thing. Looks like an incomplete E then E next to it
Mine is doing the same, did you ever get an answer?
According to the manual that (The incomplete E next to the normal E) instructs you to unplug the power plug and call for service??♀️ Not much help, sorry, but that is what is says. Mine doing it too:/
Did you get any answers? Mine started doing this today too
this is tE, you need to unplug and check wiring to temperature sensor
error code u5 or us ?
My washer has been showing a code le 1 and has water in it . Now today it has started making a loud rubbing noise when trying to wash what could be causing this. Please note never had any trouble with it until i used the clean tub cycle last week
I seem the be having the same problem. Did you ever find a solution?
Ur machine seems to have bearing problem o mean the drum.
I keep getting an OE code I checked the hose it’s not kinked what else could be causing this the water won’t drain trying to see if it’s the water pump I’ve already changed it once
My LG washing machine shores an error code FE. What does this mean and how to fix it? Thank you for any help you can provide.
fan error
Error code FE means Fill error
My washer dryer combo is coming up with error DE, but water is going through the line. Is there anything else I could do to fix this error? My machine still has water in it.
41 = Filter missing
i have error code PF
PF means power failure
The machine shows PE code. What does this mean?
95A code on dryer in Wash Tower
What’s tE
My washing machine is showing the dE code( not the dE 1) and is not working how can I fix .
What is error code U1 68 and how can I fix this error
My lg washing machine error is DE OR DL. Can you pls assist
What is dE2 error code
Oe code filter clean, no kinks code won’t clear?
My front loader often has Err 37 half way through a wash. The only thing i can do is turn it off and back on again. Anyone know what this means? I’ve searched this code but can’t see it anywhere online
I am getting an error code AE
Please help
dE2 error appears.
Door is not unlocking
Dryer code D80 flow. Sensor?
I have the same error. Did you ever get an answer? The dryer seems to run ok but about every 3rd time I use it.
Hi, sadly no replies other than yours (thanks). LG want me to send a video of the problem to try to trouble shoot as they didn’t seem to know either.
what is dE2 error? i have change the door switch but still have dE2 error
I have de2 error. I have cleaned the door, firmly closed it but showing the same sign
my dryer says cl mode ,clean filter,cleaned and it will not reset
What does p5 code mean on the LG hydroshield dryer purchased around 2016?
Pls what’s the IC numb of 15kg top loader inverter LG washing machine?
What does error code FF mean? Frontloading LG washing machine.
What does the error code dE mean, m’y washer gives that code sometimes when I start the washing process.
My washer shows the code FE. The washer runs and disburses water constantly it also drains the water but not as needed,
the timer does not work properly, the machine may be running for 15 minutes and it only shows a change of 5 or some minutes.
My machine does wash halfway but does not finish, it does not rinse, it releases/ drains the water completely and stops , whats the issue.?
My new LG 7.5 front loader will not allow me to select a cycle and displays – – – when it finally turns on and stops “singing” at me. What does this mean? I am unable to turn the wash selection dial to select any other programs from the default cotton and it won’t activate that wash when I press start. There is no error code with this – – – on it. It previously was working fine for the last 2 weeks (brand new). All ideas on this problem appreciated. Thankyou.
My LG gas dry flashing check filter. Took apart and cleaned put it back together and still flashes. Put it in maintenance mode it flashed IR95 which I think means clogged filter. I clean the back out and check the whole pipe all the way outside. It also flashed UO1 I can’t figure out and D03 which I think is the door. I reset the switch between the wires replaced pipe. Put back together and everything is the same. Help error code UO1 dO3IR95 Gas LG dryer
PE error when i try start to spin
What is a U P code stand for
I bought the stack washer dryer. Washer works fine dryer runs the shuts off error code nP . It has never worked.
What’s a “LE” error code?
The Power source went off. Now all it does is a weird sound and the play logo is on. No other button or comand works. I have unpluged it then replug…still the same
Anyone ?
dhe -error code appears
Reasons ? How to resolve the issuance?
What about code “E H E” on a dryer?
Shows up 1 minute after start.
F code?
LG washing machin RE codes watt problam
Kindly tell us what this error code
d HE
electric dryer no heat dry light blinks cool light stays on
my LG just say PE. and will not do anything
what is fix please
My top loader is showing code “A” what does that mean? Is not AE just A itself.
Model is WFT7061DD. Control panel I cant change anything please help.
Lg tromm dryer is showing a — on display and won’t star any idea why ?
Washer unknown code has broken b1 without side if b open also shows 32
This article about LG Dryer Error Codes and Resolutions is really helpful! I just experienced an issue with my LG dryer and had no idea what the error code indicated. I was able to figure out what was wrong and fix it myself thanks to this blog. Even for someone like myself who isn’t very good with appliances, the explanations and solutions are simple to grasp.
I’m having a code show u5 any ideas ??
Can anyone help me an error code dhe??
The meaning??