Daft Logic News

List of News Articles on Daft Logic.

Major Website Update

in Website

Daft Logic has been updated for a more modern and cleaner look.

2 HEX Colour Testers

in New Feature

The HEX Colour Tester page now allows two colours to be previewed at once

Upload GPX Data

in New Feature

Google Maps Distance Calculator now allows you to upload a GPX file to draw the route.

KML Export Elevation Data

in New Feature

The KML Export of the saved route now includes elevation data

Daft Logic Blog

in New Feature

Daft Logic Blog is now up and running!

Detect When Page is Not Visible Using JavaScript

in New Page

The demonstration on this page will log each time the page is made visible or hidden.

Taxi Widget Country Bias

in New Feature

Taxi Fare Widget now allows the country to be selected. This let you bias the results towards your country when testing.

Show Location on Google Map

in New Page

Demonstrates how to detect your current location then display it on a Google Map

Find Elevation Delete

in New Feature

Clicking on an elevation marker now removes it

Taxi Fare Widget Map

in New Feature

The Taxi Fare Widget now includes an option to show a map of the fare route

Power Consumption of Typical Household Appliances

in New Feature

Power Consumption of Typical Household Appliances now includes standby power and any online references to values used.

Cumulative Distance

in New Feature

Cumulative distance is now output on the Find Altitude page

Right Click To Delete

in New Feature

Added new function to delete a marker when you right click

Generate Destination Map

in New Page

Generate the code for a map you can embed in your own website that shows multiple destinations from a central point

Add New Marker To Route

in New Feature

An update has been made to allow a new marker to be added to the middle of an existing route

Using HTML5 Notifications

in New Page

HTML 5 notification messages from browser with live examples and sample code

Distances From Point

in New Page

Calculate the distance from a single point to one or more other points on a map.

KML Export Now Includes All Areas

in New Feature

After you have drawn and measured an area on the map, you can create new areas and then export all areas to a KML file to open in Google Earth

Draw Line Between Markers

in New Feature

New option to draw a line between the markers when you measure the elevation of multiple points on the map.

How to Hide Text from Microsoft Word TOC

in New Page

How to get round an issue with Microsoft Word where a TOC includes unwanted headings from the front page of the document.

Taxi Fare Widget

in New Page

A widget that provides a simple taxi fare calculation

Calculate Distance Between UK Postcodes Without a Database

in New Page

Demonstrates how you can perform distance calculations between UK postcodes without the need for a database

Estimate Address

in New Feature

New button [Estimate Address] to estimate the address of the map centre point

Comparison of Web Map Services

in New Page

Allows you make a direct comparison between various online mapping services

Facebook URL

in Website

We have a new Facebook URL... facebook.com/daftlogic.com.

Toggle Markers

in New Feature

Added button [Toggle Markers]

Update To Bulk Cup Fixture Generator

in New Feature

Improved functionality in first round with byes

Change Colours

in New Feature

Added option to change fill and line colours.

New Elevation Function

in New Feature

New function to show an elevation chart for your route.

Google Maps To Send a Position

in New Feature

Updates such as live TinyURL link, map type gets saved, search for location and find my current location

Find USA States on Map Game

in New Page

Find USA States on Map is a simple game in which you have to click on a map to locate a state.

Show Route Elevation

in New Feature

New option added to show the elevation of your route.

Share Your Route

in New Feature

You can now share your route on Facebook, Twitter or by email

Plot Batch of Addresses and Calculate Elevation

in New Feature

New option to upload and plot batch of addresses and calculate their elevation.

Find Routes of Distance X From a Point

in New Feature

Implemented Google Maps API V3

Google Street View API Code Generator

in New Feature

Implemented Google Maps API V3

Google Maps Split Route Tool

in New Feature

Now uses Google Maps API V3

Google Maps Remember Last location

in New Feature

Google Maps Remember Last location now uses Google Maps API V3

Plot Random Markers

in New Feature

some updates...

Google Maps JavaScript API v3 AdSense Library

in New Feature

Now uses Google Maps JavaScript API v3 AdSense Library

Find Haiti on Map Updated

in New Feature

Find Haiti on Map has been Updated

Google Map on Desktop Maps API V3

in New Feature

Google Map on Desktop now uses Google Maps API V3

Google Maps Guestbook - How Its Made

in New Feature

Minor updates

Typical Household Appliances

in New Feature

Some additions to List of the Power Consumption of Typical Household Appliances.


in Website

We are now hosted on a dedicated server so things should load faster!

Delete Marker Option

in New Feature

Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator now allows you to delete any marker.

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool

in New Feature

Added perimeter output

YouTube URL Generator

in New Page

You can use this YouTube URL generator to construct a URL that will play the video but will automatically start the video at a time that you specify.

Bulk Upload of lat/lng Coordinates

in New Feature

Google Maps Distance Calculator now allows bulk upload of lat/lng coordinates.

Better Seaching

in New Feature

Improved Search Facility on Google Maps Area Calculator Tool.

Bulk Upload Cup Fixture Generator

in New Page

Allows you to create a fixture list in bulk for any event that uses a knock-out format.

Find Country on Map Game

in New Feature

Find Country on Map Game is now working (again).

Click For Country

in New Page

Click For Country now uses google.maps.Geocoder()

Full Screen Area

in New Feature

Added full screen option


in New Feature

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool now outputs in hectares

Save an Area

in New Feature

You can now SAVE an Area on Google Maps Area Calculator Tool!

Daft Logic Bitcoin Miner

in New Page

Use resources on your machine to mine for Bitcoins.

Convert Degrees, Minutes, Seconds and Decimal Degrees

in New Page

This tool will convert to and from Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) and Decimal Degrees for latitude and longitude measurements.

List Folder Contents

in New Feature

List Folder Contents V1.1 available.

How to Make Google Maps Guestbook

in New Feature

You can now download the code

Follow Us On Twitter

in New Feature

Contact and follow daftlogic on twitter via @daftlogic

HEX Colour Tester

in New Page

Quickly find out how various colours, expressed in hexadecimal format, are displayed on your screen.

Full Screen Option added to AGMDC

in New Feature

Full Screen Option added.

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool Export to KML

in New Feature

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool can now export to KML.

Google Maps to Find Nearest Flickr Photo API V3

in New Feature

Google Maps to Find Nearest Flickr Photo now uses Google Maps API V3

Map Time Zone Converter API V3

in New Feature

Map Time Zone Converter now uses Google Maps API V3.

Google Maps Reverse Geocoder API V3

in New Feature

Google Maps Reverse Geocoder now uses Google Maps API V3.

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool API V3

in New Feature

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool now uses Google Maps API V3

Able To Delete Account

in New Feature

Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator now lets you delete your account and all data (if you wish!).

More Updates To Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator

in New Feature

Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator has had some more updates. You can now rename a route, add notes to a route and quickly re-save an existing route. More stuff on the way!

Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator Uses API V3

in New Feature

Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator now uses Google Maps API V3. Moe updates are on the way soon...

Plot Random Markers API V3

in New Feature

Plot Random Markers now uses Google Maps API V3.

Google Maps Marker Lasso Search Tool API V3

in New Feature

Google Maps Marker Lasso Search Tool now uses Google Maps API V3.

Google Maps API V3 Guestbook

in New Feature

Implemented Google Maps API V3

Find Haiti on Map Uses GM API V3

in New Feature

Find Haiti on Map now uses Google Maps API V3.

Add Points Manually to Google Maps Area Calculator Tool

in New Feature

New option to input points manually by latitude and longitude pairs.

List Folder Contents

in New Page

List Folder Contents can be used to report on the contents of a particular folder on your file system.

Google Maps Find Altitude

in New Feature

Added output to CSV option to allow export of latitude, longitude, meters and feet.

Google Maps Find Altitude Update

in New Feature

Google Maps Find Altitude now uses Google Maps API V3 and the Google ElevationService.

Find My Location For Me

in New Feature

Added [Find My Location For Me] Button to Google Maps Distance Calculator.

Google Maps Distance Calculator Update

in New Feature

Google Maps Distance Calculator now uses Google Maps JavaScript API V3

Clipboard Format Cleaner

in New Feature

Clipboard Format Cleaner now has option to temporarily disable the tool on the context menu of the icon on the start bar.

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool In Projects

in New Page

The Google Maps Area Calculator Tool has been move from the sandbox area to the projects area.

Square Feet

in New Feature

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool now outputs Square Feet.

Find Number of Days Between Dates

in New Page

Use calendar controls to find the number of days between two dates. The number of days difference will then be displayed.

Text File Watcher

in New Page

Text File Watcher is a utility that allows you to monitor a text file to see its contents live. As the contents of the file are changed, the viewer inside will automatically update to show them.

SNM in Google Maps Area Calculator Tool

in New Feature

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool now has square nautical miles output.

Find Haiti on Map

in New Page

Find Haiti on map is a simple application that asks you, the visitor, to try and identify where Haiti is on the world map.

Arrow Mouse

in New Page

While this application is open, you can use a combination of a Ctrl and a cursor key on your keyboard to control your mouse. You can also perform a Ctrl plus Space to simulate a left mouse button click.

Split Route Tool Fixed

in New Feature

Fixed another split route bug.

Find Altitude in Feet

in New Feature

Google Maps Find Altitude now displays output in feet as well as meters.

Clipboard Format Cleaner

in New Page

Clipboard Format Cleaner is a software tool that helps remove text formatting when you are copying and pasting using the Windows clipboard.

Daft Logic Software

in New Page

Daft Logic now has a Software section.

Find Routes of Distance X From a Point

in New Page

This tool can be used to find out where you could travel to from a start point for a set distance.

Comments Update

in Website

Comments on Daft Logic have been updated to show only the last 30 comments on a page by default. You can see all comments with the click of a button.

Google Maps Distance Calculator Now Saves

in New Feature

The Google Maps distance calculator can now save your route to your local cookies so that when you return, the map can reload your route as you last left it.

Google Maps Distance Calculator Has GGoogleBar

in New Feature

The Google Maps Distance Calculator now has an embedded GGoogleBar.

Google Street View API Code Generator

in New Page

Google Street View API Code Generator allows you to create custom code that includes an embedded Google Street View API object that starts at your defined location.

Online CSV Polyline Encoder

in New Page

The online CSV polyline encoder can be used to create encoded polylines by inputting points in CSV latitude and longitude format.

Google Maps Acres Area Calculator

in New Feature

Google Maps Area Calculator Tool now outputs measurements in acres.

Quick Find Search On Google Maps Area Calculator Tool

in New Feature

Added quick find search tool to the Google Maps Area Calculator Tool.

Use JavaScript to Compare Differences Between Strings

in New Page

A tool to allow differences in strings of text to be compared.

Locations of Concorde Planes Map

in New Feature

Locations of Concorde Planes now has a built in map to view the locations of the Concorde planes.

Cup Fixture Generator

in New Feature

The cup fixture generator can now run with odd number of teams using buys to the next round.

Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator Update

in New Feature

Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator Updatehas been updated with... Email validation on account signup,Route validation on save. There must be at least one point of the map and the route must have a name,Update to back-end saving mechanism

Online Javascript Obfuscator

in New Feature

Online Javascript Obfuscator can now convert larger JS files.

Online Javascript Obfuscator Update

in New Feature

The online Javascript obfuscator now makes use of Packer JavaScript en PHP (http://joliclic.free.fr/php/javascript-packer/en/).

Google Maps Distance Calculator Update

in New Feature

Google Maps Distance Calculator has new JavaScript code that should work the same way but slightly faster etc... Please let us know if any new bugs arise!

Altitude Quick Find

in New Feature

Google Maps Find Altitude tool now has quick find option/

Google Maps Distance Calculator Update

in New Feature

Google Maps Distance Calculator now saves the last position on the map for when you next visit to page.

Google Maps Remember Last location

in New Page

A demonstration of two methods for saving and reloading a position on a Google Map.

Google Map on Desktop

in New Page

The steps that can be used in order to embed a Google Map on the Desktop of your Windows XP computer.

Google Maps to Find Nearest Flickr Photo

in New Page

This utility uses Google Maps to find Flickr photos near to where you click on a map.

Find Country on Map Game Fixed

in New Feature

The Find Country on Map Game has been broken recently but is now fixed. The high score list has also been reset.

Google Maps Find Altitude

in New Page

A method of determining altitude when a point is clicked on a map.

Google Maps Split Route Tool

in New Page

How to split a route and add new markers.

Send a Map Route to a Friend via Email

in New Feature

You can now send a route to a friend via email. Sign up to the Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator for free and once you create and save a route, you can send it as a link to an email address.

Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator

in New Page

Advanced Google Maps Distance Calculator can be used to save and reload routes when you revisit the site. An ideal tool for runners, cyclists and hikers.

Missing Concorde Found

in New Feature

Concorde G-BOAD (210) has now been found at Floyd Bennett Field.

YouTube and Google Maps Mashup

in New Page

YouTube and Google Maps Mashup is an experiment to see how a map and a video can interact.

Nautical Miles on Google Maps Distance Calculator

in New Feature

The Google Maps distance calculator now allows you to measure distances in nautical miles.

Online Javascript Obfuscator

in New Page

The free online JavaScript obfuscator is a new page in the Projects section. It will be improved as time goes on, but please visit and try it out.

Map of Northern Ireland Landmarks

in New Feature

The Northern Ireland Landmarks page now has a map to view all landmarks instead of having to download them.

RSS Feed For News on Daft Logic

in Website

There is now an RSS feed to allow you to know when there is an update to Daft Logic.

News Section

in Website

There is now a news section on Daft Logic with the ultimate aim of pumping out an RSS Feed on updates to the site.

Streamline of Information

in Website

The content on Daft Logic is difficult to organise, but finding what you are looking for should be slightly easier as there are now 3 main areas ; Projects, Information and Sandbox.

Live World Map

in New Page

Live World Map on Desktop added to the Information section.

AJAX Comment System

in Website

A new easy to use AJAX based comment system is now in place on all pages on the site.

Daft Logic Revamp

in Website

Over the last few days daftlogic.com has over gone a revamp in design (Thanks to Website template by Arcsin). The URLs to most pages have also changed, but any old links will be redirected to these new pages with 303 redirects.

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