Daft Logic Google Maps Guestbook
About Google Maps Guestbook
Use the map to leave comments and an idea of where on the earth you are. To add your own comments, simply click on the map at the location you wish your comment to be found. Then you will be asked to write your comment. Comments you write on the guestbook will be visible to you and others straight away.
To view on other comments, click on the markers to open the pop-up window.
You can zoom in and out and scroll by dragging the map.
Version History
Version | Date | Description |
1.0 | 15/12/2005 | Initial Google Maps guestbook with Google Maps API V1 |
2.0 | 02/10/2006 | Improvements made |
3.0 | 24/07/2007 | Google Maps API v2 with ajax implemented. No more page refreshes! |
4.0 | 25/10/2007 | Fixed some javascript errors |
5.0 | 18/02/2010 | Added Google search bar |
6.0 | 09/10/2010 | Implemented Google Maps API V3 |
7.0 | 12/09/2017 | Leaflet maps implemented |
Relevant Links
See how the Google Maps Guestbook is made.
This tool is provided free with the help of Leaflet.
Future Improvements
- Allow a user to remove their own comment after they have placed it on the map.
- Provide files and instructions to allow visitors to download and install their own guestbook on their website.
Please report any issues by contacting us.
Previous Guestbook Comments
BH the best place in the world
in your face
In the middle of the ocean!
This is bank
Cool idea and implementation!
Novorossiya want independence!
Running is hard enough in Nevada. Thanks for making it a little easier!
What is an Aussie do...do not much...
Felix Jr. São Paulo
Though I live in Lancing, I spend as little time here as possible. Instead I spend time in Brighton and further afield in Sussex. The South Downs are magnificent and well worth a visit and long walk.
get us out of here!!!!
Edmonds is a great place to visit for a day. The downtown area and the beach is great for exploring around and having fun. Houses in Edmonds, though, are a bit pricey.
this is a test
Makerere College School
this is my project
other side of the world. empty...
My place
Aw hell yeah
Greetings from Kristianstad, Sweden!
Palanka - city center, From Boban
Comments For This Page
Thank you for a wonderful week- hope to be back soon!By CARA MENGHILANGKAN GATAL GATAL on 2nd December 2018
Today 29 January 2017 from sunny Algarve, Portugal
Love this site, helps a lot with our management business,
Greeting from Villa Management Solutions in Faro, Algarve, PortugalOn 29th January 2017
Welcome everybody!By Tommy on 4th January 2016
hola soy carlosBy carlos on 22nd April 2015
Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaOn 10th February 2015
Aaight bro. lets check this outBy D72 on 25th June 2013
très bienBy samia on 5th February 2013
helloBy phi on 10th April 2012
hi! it's 1st test only.By Прохожий on 21st March 2012
Hi, Just test!By 1 on 24th December 2011
Giving it a try!On 29th November 2011
hi, does it works?By nobody on 28th November 2011
What am I doing in Port Augusta?On 30th September 2011
I've been looking for information I needed for a long time, but only your site has helped me to find it. Thank you very much. I'm sure to tell my friends about you. soft-oem.orgBy soft-oem on 22nd August 2011
Forza milan!By Luca on 18th June 2011
Hello from Riverdale, Geargia! DJ KHALID WE DA BEST!By D0monique W. on 11th May 2011
testeBy vg on 10th May 2011
Salt Lake CityBy John on 10th May 2011
Very Cool!By rtorzynski on 24th April 2011
HEY HOOn 7th March 2011
20 out of 46 comments shown. See all comments.
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