Area Calculator Tool

Use the Area Calculator Map to draw an area on a map and find out the measurement of the enclosed area. You are also able to save your areas for use later on. Click on the map to start drawing

[Map Height : Small - Medium - Large ]

Find Location

Current Measured Area

0 m² | 0 km² | 0 acres | 0 hectares | 0 feet² | 0 square miles | 0 square nautical miles

How to Use

  • Search or pan and zoom on the map to find a location
  • Click multiple times around the map to define an area
  • Double click to add the last point and complete the area
  • The calculated area will then be displayed below the map

Touch Screen Devices

To support touch screen devices, we have a full screen map interface. Follow the steps below to use the touch screen map

  • Click the link [Open Map For Touch Screen Devices]
  • Tap on the map to place each node of the area
  • To complete the area double click for the last point
  • The main page will then show the area you have just drawn

Other Options

  • Once the area is drawn, click on a node to remove it
  • You can add multiple areas by starting a new area after one is completed
  • Click [Delete All Areas] to remove all areas drawn
  • Click [Generate KML] to generate a KML file representing the last area drawn. Once you click this option, after a short delay, a hyperlink "Download KML File Here" will appear. From this link, you can download your KML file
  • You can adjust the map size by clicking Small, Medium, Large
  • Click [Export Lat/Lng] to export a list of latitude and longitude coordinates to a text box below the map. You can then copy and paste these to an external system.

Login to Save and Load Maps

You can create an account for free from which you can save and load saved areas unique to you. Click [Create Free Account] to create a new, free account. Once you confirm your email, you will be able to save and load maps while logged in.

Relevant Links

Leaftlet Maps

Future Uses and Ideas

  • Allow multiple areas to be added to a project, saved then loaded afterwards
  • Allow upload a KML file and calculate any areas of polygons inside
  • Allow export of lengths of perimeter sides
  • Allow different color schemes for additional areas rather than just one (+2)
  • The ability to select an area as an entirety and drag it around, copy/clone/duplicate it
  • Option to subtract sub area from main area
  • Saved Areas : Allow them to be loaded or unloaded independently
  • Allow area fill and perimeter color to be changed after the area has been added

Version History

Version Date Description
1.0 14th November 2007  
2.0 25th March 2008  
2.1 16th October 2008 Added Terrain map type
2.2 14th December 2009 Added quick find search tool
2.3 21st March 2009 Added acres output
2.4 4th November 2009 Increased maximum size for the Quick Find option
2.5 28th January 2010 Added square nautical miles output. Rounded off all output to 2 decimal places
2.6 22nd February 2010 Added square feet output.
2.7 12th October 2010 New option to input points manually by lat/lng pairs.
3.0 1st December 2010 Implemented Google Maps API V3
3.1 19th December 2010 Added option to export to KML (Google Earth)
3.2 17th February 2011 Added option to draw more than one area in the same session
3.3 7th June 2011 Fixed Issue with last polyline not showing on KML output
4.0 8th September 2011 Ability to save areas under user login
4.1 14th December 2011 Added hectares output
4.2 22nd December 2011 Added full screen option
4.3 5th February 2012 Improved Search Facility
5.0 12th November 2012 Added perimeter output
6.0 5th January 2013 Default map is now larger
Download KML File Here link has been moved
Added Zoom to Fit button
Fixed bug with perimeter calculation
6.1 29th June 2014 Added option to change fill and line colours
6.2 18th July 2014 Added button [Toggle Markers]
6.3 5th November 2014 Search Function now works when you hit enter
6.4 23rd March 2015 New button [Estimate Address] to estimate the address of the map centre point
6.5 15th April 2015 New transparent fill area option
6.6 11th May 2015 Location of marker now displayed when you hover over the marker
6.7 27th October 2015 KML export now includes all areas
6.8 11th November 2015 New option to export list of latitude and longitude to a text box
6.9 14th December 2015 Now displays total perimeter
6.10 6th January 2016 New option to only download the last area as a KML file when you draw multiple areas
6.11 28th January 2016 Improved Full Screen function
Added Keyboard Shortcuts
6.12 16th February 2016 Added new function to delete a marker when you right click
6.13 24th February 2016 Added option to show grid lines on map
6.14 4th April 2016 Updates to print formatting
6.15 2nd August 2016 Bug fix : Sometimes area would not delete when click the red X
6.16 21st February 2017 Bug fix : Issue while renaming a saved area. Now resolved
6.17 17th August 2017 Fixed issue with text formatting of notes
6.18 19th October 2017 Area nodes can be added and removed more easily
6.19 5th July 2018 Full Screen mode now displays the current area on screen
6.20 11th August 2018 Google Maps search removed due to costs. Replaced with custom search tool
7.0 3rd March 2024 Converted to use Leaflet Maps
7.1 4th March 2024 Support for Touch Screen Devices
7.2 25th March 2024 Added option to remove last node
7.3 21st October 2024 Bug Fix : Map had inconsistent behaviour after map was resized small, medium, or large

Comments For This Page

5 or so years ago this was so simple and intuitive to use.
Now simple features removed and nonsense added.
On 16th September 2024
Too bad everyone thinks everything digital can, or more often, believes it needs improving, when it's working perfectly. I was told this was once the place for rural land owners to make calculations and plans. Clearly they were mistaken. But, it is indeed useless.
By Rudy on 12th September 2024
the clcikign on the map doesnt work as before
By ishan on 25th August 2024
Where'd the total perimeter calculation go? And can you give a choice between metric and imperial please? Thank you.
By Farmer Annie on 4th August 2024
Doesn't work
On 15th July 2024
note to all the complainers:
1. it is a very useful tool
2. all tool shave some bugs
3. it is free, if you want to make demands on the developer send them a cheque.
(4. just cause you were spoilt in the past maybe it's time to grow up and be thankful rather than just complain)
thanks Dev, keep up the good work, never, ever, ever, ever use Goole (or Apple or Microsoft) for anything, if it takes a wee while to tweak the new version then so be it, to repeat, never, ever, ever, ever use Google (or Apple or Microsoft) if there is a viable alternative, if not let's work together to make one, let's all leave fascism in the 20th century where it belongs.
By FOSS on 28th June 2024
100% agree with the comments. This was a fantastic tool for YEARS, however the new version just isn't the tool it once was. I'm hopeful you'll listen to the comments here and revert back to the old version soon before losing even more users.

Thanks for all the work on this!
By Chris on 25th June 2024
The old version was so much better and have been using it for years . This is almost unusable and has forced me to look for other options
On 21st June 2024
Biggest mistake was changing versions. The other format was being tested and tweaked to near perfection. You could easily mark and calculate area and, now I can't even get it to plot a point. I've been using this tool for many years and it has always been a huge help. Now it's just a waste of time to even come to this page. Please revert to the old version and do simple tweaks start with photo resolution, maybe even a way to plot 2 seperate things at once. Daft Logic you are dropping the ball on so many people who count on you. They are being forced to go somewhere else.
By Once loyal user on 21st June 2024
Sad, and I see no responses from customer (dis)service
On 20th June 2024
Please, please bring back the old version.
On 18th June 2024
Holy sh*t dude what were yall smoking when you ruined this. I agree with the previous poster I would have paid $20 a year for the old version
By G M on 15th June 2024
I would have paid $20 a year for access to the way it was. For this new version, it's worthless.
On 13th June 2024
This version is complete garbage
On 3rd June 2024
The previous colour scheme of choosing colour based was better, can you please provide both options?
On 22nd May 2024
inappropriate image or diagram cant be deleted, what's the reason, is there any option to do so?
By Khan Malik on 18th May 2024
No longer works with new version
By not happy on 15th May 2024
Please bring back version 6.20
On 9th May 2024
Heed your users feedback and revert back to the old version! As mentioned, this new version is terrible. And not in one of those 'change is bad, but you'll get used to it' ways - It's down right worse then before and makes me not want to use it. A classic case of someone trying to justify their job by making 'improvements', but doing ZERO user feedback investigation before roll out, because no one would vote for this version over the old.
By Dustin on 8th May 2024
Totally useless is the new version, especially without satellite view
On 7th May 2024
the previous version was better
By vittu on 6th May 2024
Now its useless. If your goal was to make something very useful and easy to use and turn it into something quite frustrating and useless then...congratulations. you can just not offer this!
On 4th May 2024
The area calculator no longer works. Not sure if it's my phone or the app. Such a great app for farming. Now it won't work.
On 1st May 2024
The end of an era. Thank you for the many years of the former version and the value it once provided to my work and life. Now time to find something else.
By Josh Mac on 28th April 2024
I only visit daftlogic once a week now, just in case the old version has been restored.

What a very sad situation this is.

On 27th April 2024
wow, ruined perfectly perfect tool, can't see area now
By g on 25th April 2024
Bring back the old version!
On 24th April 2024
Yes you can enter more polygons without pressing a "add more areas" button, but if you try to ammend any node of a a map, it thinks its a new map and enters a new node even though it moves the node that you are editing. then you have a sticky node that you cannot delete which follows you with a dotted blue line. If you try to delete last node, it does strange things and renders your last area obsured out of shape and you then cannot edit it, and you have to re-start again.
By Naeem on 20th April 2024
go back to the way it was, this is terrible!!!!!!
On 19th April 2024
Once you delete all areas you cannot draw any longer, you have to press F5 refresh and start again, also there is no way to do 2 or more areas any more, can we please have the previous version again, even though the distances are great, but funcionality sucks
By Naeem on 18th April 2024

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